Inquiry report in ‘Dawn Leaks’ should be made public: Babar



Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) Senator Farhatullah Babar has said that the government should make the inquiry report in the so-called ‘Dawn Leaks’ public to allay a host of doubts and misgivings.

In a statement issued here on Sunday, Babar said that the unceremonious sacking of Special Assistant Tariq Fatemi and Principal Information Officer  Rao Tehseen, the unprecedented advice to APNS to proceed against the editor and reporter and the highly unprecedented public rejection by the ISPR of actions taken as ‘incomplete and not in line with recommendations of the inquiry board’ makes it absolutely necessary that the report is made public.

He said that confusion is confounded by the remarks attributed earlier to Tariq Fatemi dismissing the reports that he had been shown the door.  The categorical statement of Interior Minister Nisar Ali Khan in Karachi on Saturday that his ministry had not yet issued any notification just when the PM Office had indeed issued orders has given rise to several questions that need answers, he added.

The PPP spokesman said that the public statement by the ISPR through tweet rejecting publicly the order issued by the PM Office lends a new dimension to the incident that will give rise to some serious questions which will refuse to die down.

“The botching up of the incident is a measure of the incompetence of the government and insistence to keep the inquiry report under wraps will only complicate the matters further”, he said recalling the statement of the interior minister at the time that the report shall be made public.

Babar further said that initially, the government sought to clarify the news report sometimes as ‘baseless and fabricated’ and sometimes as ‘planted’. Despite declaring it as untrue at the time the government also termed the report as posing ‘threat to national security’ without explaining how.

Asking the media watchdog APNS to take action against the editor and reporter for alleged breach of national security takes the issue of stifling freedom of expression in the name of national security to new heights, he said.

These are some of the issues that call for making public the inquiry report and a thorough debate in the Parliament for devising appropriate guidelines, he said.