Punjab on the right track to stop HIV/AIDS spread: international expert


The Punjab AIDS Control Program organised a special session for epidemiologists, HIV/AIDS experts, molecular biologists and psychologists with the renowned international consultant and researcher on HIV/AIDs Dr Mobeen Rathore, at the Punjab AIDS Control Program (PACP) Complex, here on Thursday.

Professor Dr Mobin Rathore is a doctor of medicine, director and associate chair of the Department of Pediatrics and Infectious Diseases, Center for HIV/AIDS Research, University of Florida, and is director Community Engagement Research Program besides being a diplomat on American Board of Pediatrics as well as American Board of Infectious Diseases.

The visiting scholar concurred to the Punjab government’s request for technical support regarding treatment of complex cases along with agreeing on giving free access to Grand HIV rounds in the USA besides agreeing for support and collaboration in HIV/AIDS research.

Additional Secretary (Admin) Primary and Secondary Healthcare and Program Director PACP Dr Adnan Zafar Khan said learning the best global practices was the key to stopping new infections and achieving the global goals of 90-90-90.

“In every part of the world, there are different sets of challenges vis-à-vis modes of transmission and strategies have to be locally tailored. The initiatives to reach out to vulnerable and most-at-risk populations, IT solutions especially GIS mapping and mobile-text follow up are some of the most innovative solutions exclusively being used in Punjab,” Dr Mobeen said.

In the question-answer session Dr Mobin Rathore said, “Stigma and discrimination towards HIV/AIDS patients has been a global phenomenon but now the realisation is there that like diabetes and blood pressure, people can live normal lives by use of certain medicines.”

The visiting scholar got update on the provision of free Hepatitis B vaccination as well as Hepatitis C treatment to major high-risk groups like truck and bus drivers, trans-genders as well as vulnerable and marginalised communities and free treatment and counselling services to all HIV/AIDS patients across Punjab. The program has also developed close synergy with other vertical programs and is implementing a comprehensive plan for prevention and awareness.