Pakistan Today

Child pornography

Need for stern action



The Sargodha child pornography case must serve as a litmus test for the government’s seriousness in controlling such crime. The media, human rights organisations, even social society, must now keep a strict watch on the proceedings of this case. And those in charge, without a doubt, must ensure exemplary punishment. This is not the first time such a thing has happened. And it’s unlikely to be the last. Also, child porn is a big business all over the world, and authorities struggle to contain it everywhere. Yet, now that one setup, at least, has been exposed, every effort must be made to root out this sickness to whatever extent possible.

The war on terror, and the tens of thousands it has killed and maimed, has not just de-sensitised us as a nation, it has also kept law enforcement agencies especially police distracted from their core business. Yet, successive governments must still take responsibility of forsaking the nation’s children far too often. From the Peshawar slaughter to the Tharparkar famine to the thousands harassed, hurt and abused, our children need a better guarantee of security form the government. We cannot always remain a country that just reacts, at best, to bomb blasts, assassinations, child rapes, etc.

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