I’m a real revolutionary with clean hands: Imran

  • PTI chairman claims he points out ‘cosmetic’ leaders in politics

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan has claimed that he was a real revolutionary leader with clean hands as he hates and rejects politics of corruption and compromise.

“I am a real revolutionary leader with clean hands. I hate and reject the politics of corruption and compromise. I am a staunch supporter of the fair-play game and nothing else,” he said in an interview with Pakistan Today.

“I am proud of it that I have challenged the current rulers, their mal-practices and corruption. I have the honour of pointing out real usurpers, looters, and the cosmetic democratic leaders,” he said. Imran claimed that the people were the direct victims of a ‘kingdom’ in which no employment, no electricity, no water, no peace, no defence of life and no law and order despite all claims of development and progress by the rulers.

“How it is ironical that the nation has been pushed under the heaviest foreign loans and rulers are giving the good news of the economic stability to the people,” he said. He said that Pakistan stands at a crossroads of its national history where the people must come forward and stand against these all injustices.

He said that the kings were forced to leave the power to end their cruel system. Expressing the deep concern over miseries of the people, Imran said that now the people must understand the real game plan of the rulers who were giving the impression that they were developing the country in the name of the mega projects. In reality, they were collecting the commission and thus stealing major portion of the national wealth from each and every development projects or schemes, he added.

He further said that these rulers wanted to keep the country and the nation on sinking into the heaviest foreign debts. He warned the people that if this negative practice continued, then the complete ruin of the nation and the system would be sure. He asked the masses to open their eyes and decide not to give these rulers their votes in the next general elections so that they might not come again in the power.

Imran suggested that all the like-minded political parties must be united against the current rulers and thus they should strive their hard to finish their kingdom. “This is the best way for all of us if we are really loyal to our people and interested to get them liberated from the kings,” he said.

In response to a question about the possible decision on the Panama Papers case, he said that this decision would give a new turn to the national political history. “We are optimistic about it we firmly believe that all the requirements of the real justice would be completed and thus justice would be done at any cost,” he said. -SHEIKH HAQ NAWAZ


  1. To call you a leader is an insult to word”leadership”.you have no clean record.face ECP for taking money from RAW.may Allah you instinct from Pakistan.

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