The Punjab card


Jewel in the crown


This is that time when the big boys of national politics descend on Punjab, seeking alliances, rubbishing opponents, etc, all the way to the next general election. And, expectedly, Zardari sb is back with claims of reinvigorating the party where it was born and from where it reached the pinnacles of power. He’s tried before – a couple of times since the ’13 rout – first catapulting Bilawal then trying his own hand, and failing each time. But this time there are coming with the “sab say yaari” approach, betraying a growing sense that their survival now rests only in striking the right partnerships.

More eyes will still be on PTI. Khan sb has already ruled out any sort of alliance with PPP – no matter the growing common ground in the wake of Panama – and short of a surprise, PTI’s will most likely be a solo ride. The party seems confident of unseating the Sharifs, finally, from their stronghold. And with that, of course, comes the prize of taking the centre. As things stand, the bigger of the few showdowns emerging seems between the ruling party and PTI.

Both have devoted more time, especially lately, to badmouthing the other than boasting their own on-ground achievements; which speaks volumes about our particular brand of democracy. And, just like last time, there’s no saying which way the pendulum will eventually swing. Yet, considering the peculiarity surrounding this vote, everybody is likely to have a good idea which way the winds are going to blow once the Panama verdict is out. And, no matter how long the honourable justices sit upon it, it will still come way, way before the election.


  1. Bogus vilifications, accusations of corruption, venomous slandering, blame game, emotional tantrums and temperamental hot air, PPP and PML-N political madaris getting their acts of illusion together to impress their bacha jamhoora supporters, who love to dance to the drum beat of lies and get mesmerised by the crescendos of fake promises.

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