Pakistan Today

Chinese woman, 90, survives four days in forest with only six eggs

BEIJING: Before being found and rescued by local police, a 90-year-old Chinese woman in Chongqing survived in the forest for four days, equipped with only six duck eggs. The woman, surnamed Zhang, became disoriented after losing her way home.

According to ‘China Daily’ on Saturday, Zhang lives in Nanbin, Chongqing municipality in southwestern China. She became lost while returning home from a fair held in a nearby county on March 20.

Her son, Ma Zewu, reported his mother missing on the evening of the second day of her absence, after finding no trace of the elderly Zhang.

Upon receiving the alert, local police organised a rescue team, but failed to find Zhang immediately due to heavy rain. After three days, police used security camera footage to spot Zhang near a factory.

According to Zhang, she lost her way after changing routes to avoid a vicious dog. Despite spending three nights in the forest, she said the six duck eggs helped her to make it through.

While Zhang is hardly the first person to survive in the wild when equipped with food and drink, it is something of a miracle for a 90-year-old to do so for four days, according to Zhang’s doctor.

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