‘Pakistan Navy to play key role in Indian Ocean region’

  • Zakaullah says navy to safeguard maritime frontiers against all threats; Key commanders review maritime security, assess war preparedness

Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Muhammad Zakaullah has said that the Pakistan Navy will continue to play a significant role in sustenance of peace and stability in the Indian Ocean region in the midst of complex, challenging and evolving contemporary security environment.

He was addressing the navy’s Command and Staff Conference, concluded at the Naval Headquarters here on Tuesday. The matters related to operational preparedness, prevailing security situation and developmental plans of the Pakistan Navy were reviewed.

The naval chief was given detailed briefings on various ongoing and future navy projects and plans. Zakaullah reiterated navy’s resolve to safeguard maritime frontiers of Pakistan against all threats. He urged the commanders to remain at highest state of preparedness and maintain a constant vigil in their area of responsibility (AoR).

The naval chief lauded concerted efforts of all field commanders for successful conduct of the multinational naval exercise AMAN-17 at Karachi, wherein more than 37 countries participated with assets and observers which is a clear testimony of the poise and confidence on Pakistan by regional and extra regional countries. Admiral Zakaullah also appreciated successful conduct of test launch of the land-based anti-ship missile by the Pakistan Navy.

He said that this weapon system has added a new dimension in the operational reach of the Pakistan Navy which would be able to further bolster seaward defence of the nation by having the capability of launching long range anti-ship missiles from land.

Besides assessing the war preparedness of the Pakistan Navy, the participants of the conference also reviewed the priorities pertaining to the security of the Gwadar Port and maritime components of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).


  1. It can’t, better stay in your own marine boundaries
    And coming to culling Pakistanis , it’s just one click away

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