Grave mistakes found in Lahore board’s exam questions


Class 10 students have appeared for their papers, while exams of class 9 are still ongoing. However, the number of mistakes in the examinations is appalling and makes people question the quality of education offered by the Lahore Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (BSEK).

Mistakes were found in objective papers of various subjects including biology, chemistry, physics and English. The mistakes have not only stressed the students but are likely to adversely affect the position holders.

In the objective papers of the subjects, many multiple choice questions (MCQs) had two correct answers while the correct answer to some questions was not even included in the options available.

In the English objective examination, the first and second group had four objective questions with two correct answers, while in the biology exam, questions pertaining to number of bones, myelin sheath and sexual reproduction had all four wrong answers.

In the chemistry exam’s objective section, the question and its translation in English and Urdu were asking different things, and the physics exam for class 9 students had a question whose translation had different meanings along with all possible answers being incorrect as well.

Lahore Board Examination Controller Nasir Jameel claimed that the objective papers of all subjects were being investigated.

“If mistakes are found, then students will be given marks for them,” he claimed.