Pakistan committed to women empowerment across all sectors: Khawar Mumtaz


NEW YORK: Pakistan has told the United Nations that the Government was committed to alleviate and improve the situation of Pakistani women.

Speaking in the 61st session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) at UN Headquarters, the Chairperson of the National Commission of Women and leader of Pakistani delegation Khawar Mumtaz, said that gender equality and women development is part of the country’s long-term national planning framework, known as Vision 2025.

“Pakistan’s Constitution guaranteed equal rights for all its citizens without discrimination and ensures full participation of women in all spheres of national life,” she said.

“Through their dedication and hard work, Pakistani women continue to dismantle conventional stereotypes,” she added.

“Prime Minister, Speakers, Ambassadors and Federal Secretaries have performed outstandingly when given the opportunity,” Mumtaz said.

Mumtaz told the panel that Pakistan has 20 per cent women in Parliament and up to 33 per cent in local government, with the Election Commission working to promote greater women turn-out in the elections.

“Yet, like any other society, while Pakistani women have accomplished a lot, a lot more still needs to be done,” the chief Pakistani delegate said.

Mumtaz expressed Pakistan’s commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and said that Pakistan was a signatory to seven core UN human rights conventions.

She said that Government’s National Sustainable Development Strategy, National Education Policy, Climate Change Policy, Disaster Risk Management Policy, all included a gender perspective.

Mumtaz told the delegates from around the world of the steps taken by the government to reduce ‘feminization of poverty’ and ensure equality.

These included fostering greater female participation in the workforce, through non- traditional skill development programmes and provision of financial resources.

“Besides the Prime Minister’s Youth Business Loan with 50 per cent quota for young female entrepreneurs,” Mumtaz said.

“There were now over 50 institutions providing credit and microcredit facility to women across the country,” she added.

She also told the international gathering of the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) providing a social safety net to women.

“BISP has disbursed monthly stipends to the tune of 40 billion rupees to approximately 5 million women of which 76 per cent beneficiaries retain control over the cash disbursed,” she added.

“Pakistan has enacted legislation to provide protection and create an enabling environment for women,” Mumtaz said.

“Other legislation at the federal and provincial levels concerned protection against harassment of women at workplace, ‘honour killings’, acid and burn crimes, rape, domestic violence and very importantly the Hindu Marriage law giving inheritance and identity rights to women of the minority community of the country”, she added.

Mumtaz concluded her statement by saying that Pakistan, a founding member of UN Human Rights Council, was a candidate for a seat on the Geneva-based body for the term 2018-2020. She expressed confidence that the international community will once again repose their trust in Pakistan, by electing us to the Council.