Arron Banks suspended from Ukip


Ukip’s major donor Arron Banks said he has had his membership of the party suspended, and he will now intends to build his own political movement from his Leave.EU campaign group.

Banks, who has been consistently critical of the Ukip leadership and recently demanded to be made party chairman or he would stop his donations, announced on Twitter he had been suspended from the party, and when asked why, said: “Apparently for saying the current leadership couldn’t knock the skin off a rice pudding.”

Banks told The Independent he had paid to renew his membership but that it had been “withheld.”

He said in a statement: “Ukip has somehow managed to allow my membership to lapse this year despite having given considerably more than the annual membership fee over the past 12 months.

“On reapplying I was told my membership was suspended pending my appearance at a NEC meeting.

Apparently, my comments about the party being run like a squash club committee and Mr Carswell have not gone down well.

“I now realise I was being unfair to squash clubs all over the UK and I apologise to them.

“We will now be concentrating on our new movement.”

Last week Mr Banks told The Independent that leader Paul Nuttall was ‘quite weak’ and that the party was ‘run like a squash club committee.’

He has also announced his intention to stand against the party’s only MP, Douglas Carswell, in Clacton in 2020.

In an interview with The Independent he outlined plans to transform his Leave.EU movement, which has over a million social media followers, into a UK version of the Italian Five Star movement, with radical policies on housing, immigration and the nationalisation of utilities.

A Ukip spokesperson said he understood Mr Banks’ membership had “lapsed earlier in the year.”

Party chairman Paul Oakden said Mr Banks had not been suspended from the party, but that his membership had lapsed and it would be up to Paul Nuttall if Mr Banks would be allowed to renew it.

Courtesy: Independent