Pakistan Today

Misinterpretation of Islamic laws often hinders a woman to exercise her due rights

IN a patriarchal society, men being the superior are given the due rights such as freedom of speech and decision while women have to look onto men for it. Now days, we often come across many campaigns chanting slogans about the problems faced by women in a patriarchal society but little or no efforts are made to resolve the conflict. Most importantly, Pakistan being an Islamic country often hinders the women to exercise their due rights because of the false interpretation of the Quran and Sunnah. For example, the protest against the women protection law is a set precedent which reflects the aptitude of the people understanding of the Islamic Laws. Even though, Quran and Sunnah indicate the significance of rights of women but society is often mislead due to statements made by individuals who consider themselves as Islamic preachers and scholars. It is requested by the government, social welfare organisations and as well as society to come up with an examination system in order to entitle an individual as a Islamic scholar which can be an effective way of eliminating misleading concepts regarding women while giving them their due rights.

Hadia Aziz


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