Pakistan Today

You can’t market or commercialise feminism as an entity: Zac Posen

Zac Posen has joined the seemingly ever-increasing list of designers who will not be dressing Ivanka or Melania Trump for their time in the White House, despite having dressed them in the past.

Posen said he has “no current plans to dress members of the first family,” reported People magazine. He joins several other designers, including fashion heavyweights like Marc Jacobs and Tom Ford, who have spoken out about whether or not they’ll dress ladies from the Trump family. “I’m very upset with the state of affairs right now,” Posen said. “I always try to be optimistic. I think that freedom will prevail. And I don’t dictate who buys my clothing in a store.”

Posen went on to comment on the current political climate. “Everybody has a voice, whether in fashion or any field,” he said. “There are issues that are being questioned that are fundamentally upsetting to me deeply: LGBT rights, immigration, funding for the arts, Planned Parenthood, and women’s rights. These are issues that are very close to my heart and I use my own private voice and funds to fight for them and in support of them. I think it’s important to use your voice. I think that every brand and person has a right to be vocal.”

Melania recently wore Michael Kors to Donald Trump’s first address to a joint session of Congress, after which the designer told the New York Times, “Mrs Trump has been a long-time client at our New York boutique.”

For Posen’s part, he also cautions against the commodification of the important issue of feminism, especially when it comes to fashion. He advocates for thoughtful engagement when going forward with projects.

“You can’t market or commercialise feminism as an entity. One has to be careful. I aim to be about powerful women in my clothing. It’s important that I support the amazing women that I’m able to work with,” he said.


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