Suicidal attempts: Upward trend observed in Pakistan


SUICIDE is the third leading cause of death for youth all over the world. Similarly, an increase in youth suicidal trend in Pakistan is alarming. Although, there is no documented record available which states the rate of suicidal attempts as it is relatively difficult to cover suicidal case due to social stigma and legal issues. However, various cases have been brought to light by social welfare organisations, NGOs and hospitals. Many children and teenagers suffer from mental illness, low self-esteem, use of drugs, academic pressure, bullying, parental discord, and relationship problems. Thus, there is a need of public awareness campaigns by NGOs, media and the incumbent government in order to reach people suffering from mental illness and build social support networks. Also, media could play a significant role in creating public awareness and encourage people to seek treatment. It is high time; the government should take notice of the matter and introduce practical measures to support youth going through anxiety and depression.

