Dowry – a curse


Our society has certain cruel customs & traditions based on archaic notions. Dowry is one such custom.
Dowry has become a curse & poor parents cannot wed their daughters without it. It is demanded by the groom’s family to give him in the marriage. There is no legal sanction for this practice. The parents are forced to give dowry to settle their daughter in the in-laws’ house. But there is no assurance that even after giving rich dowry she will enjoy a happy life. We cannot change the fate or fortune of the bride.


The question is how can we get rid of such a bad custom? Most of the people indulge in the exhibition of dowry on the day of marriage as a matter of pride. People usually appreciate and glorify such customs. If some bride does not bring dowry, she is badly treated and slighted all the time.


Is not it enough that the parents give their daughter to them? Whatever is written in our fate we will get it. We should do away with such a curse. Marriages are made in heaven. We must trust Allah the Almighty with the provision o better life tan depending on few scraps given by the brides’ parents. We must discourage the practice of dowry & set a good example for others.


