An unfortunate nation



Almost one half population of Pakistan is poor and illiterate mostly living in rural areas. Every day we hear vehicular accidents of rickety buses resulting in many deaths and weeping relatives. Police atrocities including chitrol is openly displayed on TV with a muscular policeman administering lashes to prostrate individuals squirming at every strike which is patently illegal. Each day the television shows the tears of mothers with sick children with no treatment. Government hospitals have 2-3 patients on each bed while rulers claim state of the art hospitals to be built in future. PM has been serving for the third time while CM Punjab is serving for the fifth time but there is no dearth of weeping people due to some trouble. It appears that while the people are weeping and dismayed the rulers and their mouth pieces are looking fresh and fatty with sweat glistening on their faces while they offer spirited defence of their master hoping to be made ministers or advisers. The rulers have no fear of Allah Almighty for being accountable for every ill faced by the poor people but rulers have their properties in the West. They can always find safe heavens as the MQM ex-supremo is finding in U.K.





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