Where’s the commitment for a “blast-proof” country?


In the era of Pakistan People’s Party (PPP), the ministers used to give clarification whenever any blast occurred in any part of the country by saying that a suicide-bomber cannot be detected. This claim showed their inefficiency in maintaining law and order situation in the country. There are many technological advances in the world that can detect the explosive material. Also by other means, the suicide attacks can be avoided like placing CCTV cameras, beefing up physical security inside and outside of crucial places etc. etc. The current government of Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz also seems to be aligned with the same statement.

Although the number of blasts has been reduced as compared to the ones occurred in the previous reign, but that is no justification. There are still chances of more blasts after the current wave of terrorism. PML-N should have gotten rid of this rhetoric and focus over crushing the extremists inside and outside of the country. A the dream of blast-proof country will be realized only at the time when the government at all levels including union level shows its commitment to curb this menace. Every life is important. Every politician in or out of power should provide its commitment to make this land blast-proof if not utterly than to the best extent possible. In this regard, practical steps should be taken by executive.

