Today’s White Lies


The recent spate of terror has, amongst other things, also put a spanner in the works for Lahore’s cultural activities. Basant, the provincial government had already banned, with the law enforcers apprehending kite-flyers with a zeal they should reserve for terrorists.

Then, the Lahore Eat festival has also been postponed in light of current events. The organisers of the Lahore Literary Festival are running from pillar to post in order to get an NOC for their affair. They managed to do their thing last time but couldn’t get their favourite Al-Hamra on account of the security threat and made do with Avari next door. They don’t seem to be having much better chances this time round either.





Say what you will about noted physicist and political thinker Pervez Hoodhbhoy, the man certainly puts his money where his mouth is. A staunch opponent of the country’s nuclear set-up, even in its non-military applications like power, he has been advocating a shift towards renewable energy sources since long.

Well, it was revealed recently that he walks the talk: he has gone nigh completely solar for his own house. Not completely off-the-grid, but somewhat there.