Pakistan aware of Indian designs to sabotage CPEC: FO


ISLAMABAD: The Foreign Office said Thursday India has been involved in terrorist activities in Pakistan and is now openly opposing the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.

Answering a question at the weekly news briefing in Islamabad about Pakistan-China cooperation in the context of CPEC and threats emanating from India side, FO spokesperson Nafees Zakaria said, “We are aware of Indian [government’s] plans to sabotage CPEC,” he said. “India’s interference in Pakistan is not concealed.”

He said India’s nuclear weapons are a threat to peace in South Asia. Moreover, he maintained, massive purchase of weapons by India could lead to instability in the region.”

Zakaria, to another query, said Indian defence build up was not in the interest of the region and added that it was a matter of grave concern and endangering the peace in the region and disturbing the strategic balance.

He said the continuing instability in Afghanistan had created space for the non-state actors and terrorist organisations to find their foothold in that country.

The FO spokesperson said Jamatul Ahrar which was based in Afghanistan claimed to carry out terrorist attacks in Pakistan.

He said we have raised the issue of terrorist activities on Pakistan soil from across the border. “We have also urged the Afghan leadership to take necessary steps to address our concern,” he added.

To another question, Zakaria said Indian atrocities against Kashmiris were continuing unabated. He said Pakistan had taken the issue to the UN secretary general about the involvement of India in terrorist activities in Pakistan. He said Pakistan was the biggest victim of terrorism.

He said India was also violating ceasefire on the Line of Control and Working Boundary resulting into loss of precious civilian lives. He said Pakistan had repeatedly lodged protests with Indian in this regard.

He said India desperately wanted to divert the attention of the world community from atrocities being committed in held Kashmir by Indian troops. He also urged the international community to play the role to permanently resolve the dispute of Kashmir in accordance with the UNSC resolutions.

To a question, the spokesman said an investigation was underway into the Lahore bombing and some arrests had been made.


  1. It will go on. As per India’s design all Paki?s will be mad. So, it’s been a 50% success already. The rest will be done by China.

  2. Now after recent bombing they are saying Afghanistan behind it & earlier India.
    Islamic state itself is calming events .
    Pakistan themselves contradicting their statements, as it is very well known by army ISI was using them as proxy against neighbors.

  3. Azad Kashmir is illegal territory captured by Pakistan. It is claimed by India. Pakistan agrees internatonally it is disputed.
    China by building infrastructure through disputed territory, is showing it has double standards, when it comes to Its own disputed areas with India, and also in South China seas.
    India has a legal standing in this, China & Pakistan, are breaking international laws.
    Regarding Terrorism, Pakistan feeds Snakes, so what does it expect. These snakes ( terrorists) will not bite the hand which feeds them.

  4. Pakistan's prime minister does not think India has designs to sabotage CPEC, nor does he believe India is behind terrorism in Pakistan, he is not concerned about LOC firing and death of Pakistani civilians, he has never ever uttered a word nor condemn India on these issues. On the contrary, Modi a sworn enemy of Pakistan, never wastes an opportunity to damage Pakistan, he is a very close friend of the Prime minster. How does the foreign justify its statements when its own Prime minister thinks to the contrary.

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