National Green Day being celebrated today


ISLAMABAD: National Green Day is being observed today under the Prime Minister’s Green Pakistan Programme.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif inaugurated the event along with 20 special children in Islamabad.

Primary feature of National Green Day is planting of hundreds of thousands of “indigenous and local” tree species in all provinces including Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir by involving government departments, elected local leadership as well as students and civil society organizations.

Over 100 events were arranged throughout Pakistan and all chief minister’s of four provinces and Prime Minister Azad Jammu and Kashmir inaugurated the events in their provinces.

Record local trees were planted in one day on the same day through government departments, NGOs and students.

Green Pakistan Programme was conceived as per directions of Prime Minister for reviving forestry and wildlife sectors in Pakistan alongside ameliorating adverse impacts of climate change.