Boat accidents


Rescue workers are still searching for the dead bodies of the victims of the terrible incident near Saeedwalla in River Ravi. More than 150 persons including women & children were on board. Some of the passengers swim to the safety after the incident, but most of them drowned in the river. Pak Army along with Rescue 112 team is searching closely for the dead bodies of the victims. Yesterday they came up empty handed.


Similar kind of accident happened/ occurred at the same site 20 years ago when a boat carrying 200 passengers over turned at the same spot. 200 people perished in that accident.  Overloading was the cause of that accident. A Bridge over that place was demanded. Allocation of funds was arranged and the construction started on the said bridge – but it has remained incomplete.


Apart from the contractor and the oarsman the administration bears responsibility of the accident. They had ample money & time to complete the project. The blame and punishment for negligence must be put on all of them. The blood of the boat travelers is not cheap at all.


In most of accidents of this kind that occurs in our homeland the careless attitude remains the prominent reason. The government should take notice of this horrible accident. The bridges must be built at the necessary points on need basis. We must also mend our out dated transportation system. We are building motor buses and Orange Blue & Green trains but not the small bridges to facilitate travel and carriage of goods.


By spending a small amount of money we can provide safe travel between different areas. Think about saving lives, not killing them.


Javaid Bashir
