Need to tread cautiously 


There are times when discretion is the better part of valour


Dealing with Trump requires tactful handling rather than bravado. As an American President wields immense power, problems are bound to be created for the US as well as the rest of the world if the office is occupied by a loose cannon. Close allies like Australia’s Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull have responded to Trump’s ill-humour with forbearance rather than a tit for tat response. Despite threats extended to Iran, particularly after the latest missile test, the Iranian leadership has continued to tread carefully, with President Rouhani dismissing Trump as ‘a political novice’.


Trump’s remarks about Pakistani and Afghanistan visa applicants to face extreme vetting have given birth to concerns in Pakistan. There is a need however to wait for any concrete measures before reacting strongly. It was understandable on the part of Sartaj Aziz to refuse to comment when asked for his views about the remarks. What Foreign Office spokesman Nafees Zakaria said about the travel restrictions imposed by Trump was neatly balanced. While recognising every country’s sovereign right to decide its immigration policy, Zakaria said countries would be well-advised to adopt policies that are not susceptible to be exploited as propaganda tools by entities wishing to see cracks in the coalition against extremism and terrorism. He also underscored the importance that Pakistan attaches to its relations with the US


Ch Nisar who often rushes in where wiser men fear to tread has spoken brashly against the embargo hinting that Trump was thus profiling the Muslim community. Does he realise that while Saudi Arabia has maintained a discrete silence over the Trump ban, the UAE foreign Minister has said the US administration is within its right to take the measure? Again, does Nisar know that excluded from the list are several Muslim majority countries where the Trump Organisation has business interest, including Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Turkey, the UAE, Egypt and Indonesia? Being a cabinet member, Ch Nisar is required to follow the government’s policy instead of issuing irresponsible statements that can embarrass it.