The world after Obama


America’s descent into uncertainty


Obama left a legacy for which he will be remembered in the US and the world at large.

Obama had his drawbacks. Leading from behind, he imposed a war on Libya destabilising a prosperous and united country. His interference in Syria caused a bloody civil war that led to tens of thousands dead and millions displaced.

His positive domestic legacy includes Obamacare, rescue of the economy from the worst financial crisis where Bush had landed it and reduction in unemployment. Obama administration pioneered a historic deal with Iran that prevented the latter from acquiring nuclear weapons in return for an end to sanctions. He established diplomatic relations with Cuba after moiré than 50 years. Last month the US abstention from negative vote helped the UN to demand an end to Israeli settlements.


Over 16 million Americans benefited from Obama’s Affordable Care Act (ACA). Despite his having inherited the worst recession since the Great Depression, the economy witnessed a gradual improvement under him. Unemployment, which stood at 7.6 pc when he took over in 2009 and reached 10% in October 2009, was reduced to 4.6%.


It goes to Obama’s credit that he realised the urgency of measures to control the earth’s warming. At Paris led by the US over a hundred countries agreed to “pursue efforts” to limit warming to 1.5C above pre-industrial levels: The steps Obama took at home included unprecedented investments in clean energy, the largest protections of public lands and waters in history, and the first-ever national carbon pollution standards for power plants.


It was unthinkable before 2008 that a black man with Hussain as part of his name could one day be elected the US President. The jubilations In Chicago’s Grant Park after he won on 4 November 2008 indicated that the elections had ushered in an era of hope and optimism and the entire America was united. Obama’s victory sent a positive signal to blacks and Muslims all over the world.

What happened after Trump‘s victory is the opposite. The US stands divided as never before. Instead of hope there is fear about the future. Trump has spread hatred against the migrants and the Muslims. His views regarding Israel, Iran and China can make ongoing disputes more complicated. His protectionist utterances like bidding farewell to international trade agreements and increasing duties on imports manifold could upset the economic system and reduce the volume of international trade. Trump has made fun of the climate change and has nominated an individual to the Environment Agency who has all along opposed Obama’s energy policy. In case he really pursues these policies, mankind would be living in a world more dangerous than before the 2016 US presidential elections



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