Perpetual Déjà vu


Generations after generations living in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK) perhaps give the feeling of most glaring Déjà vu on the political landscape of the world. The unequivocal dedication of Kashmiri youth for the cause of their freedom, for protection of their basic human rights and for exercise of their political privileges is unmatched since its very start. And the momentum of the unmatched freedom movement against the atrocities of Indian State is still the same. The so called mature democracy of India needs to realise that political movements can be suppressed but genuine passion of freedom allied with religious motivation can never be deleted from the minds and hearts of the people. The masses of Pakistan and its civil and military leadership are rightly giving political, moral and diplomatic support to the just cause of Kashmiris. And our civil and military leadership have time and again reiterated that it is high time that international community dives in to solve this long standing undecided agenda of sub-continent’s partition.