Governance ethics of Islamic State



    This is with reference to the media reports about Israel’s PM being investigated by their police for allegedly receiving gifts worth thousands of dollars. In sharp contrast, our PMs, Presidents, bureaucrats, generals and even traders are recipients of millions of dollars from foreigners or through money laundering, in addition to abusing powers. Land grabbing of private and state land cannot occur without a nexus of state institutions and law enforcement. These land barons have penetrated every segment of officialdom and political elite, assuming status of an industry with tax amnesties so attractive that investment in industry is jeopardised.


    It is obligatory for any state, especially one which calls itself Islamic, that there should be ruthless across the board accountability starting from head of state, followed by ministers, civil and uniformed paid servants of state, members of judiciary etc. In an Islamic state the ruler is selected through public consent with no place for hereditary succession or dictatorship and there are numerous Hadiths which clearly elaborate, that public office holders or their immediate family members cannot engage in trade while simultaneously holding office. It is widely tolerated Conflicts of Interest and greed of paid and elected office holders that today in Pakistan even a basic item like milk is not available free of adulteration. Fines and penalties for food adulteration, black marketing etc are so small that they are eyewash, although they have disastrous consequences on health, causing death or even permanent disabilities. A casual review of owners of such basic consumer items will reveal that almost 90% of them have held, or are holding public offices, which explain why regulatory bodies which exist on paper and a burden on exchequer are impotent. For followers of Quran – the revelation of which starts with word “Iqra” – it is criminal and blasphemous that investment in education, health and provision of clean water is the least of priorities and state welfare is confined for affluent or paid office holders and political cronies only.


