Selfie kills


Millions of people across the world everyday hold up their cameras to snap selfies to share with their friends. Psychiatrists say there is a rise in the number of Selfitis cases. Doctors have also been warning that taking too many selfies could result in “Selfitis,” which they describe as a mental disorder. Recently, the American Psychiatric Association actually confirmed that taking selfies is a mental disorder, going as far as to term the condition “selfitis”. The APA has defines it as: “the obsessive compulsive desire to take photos of one’s self and post them on social media as a way to make up for the lack of self-esteem and to fill a gap in intimacy.” Selfies are of two types – group and individual. The individual selfie-addiction is a matter of concern. Alarmed by the trend, Mumbai has already declared 16 no-selfie zones across the city and the authorities warn people against taking unnecessary snaps. The Mumbai police has also  declared selfies off-limits in areas perceived as risky — particularly along the coastline in spots with no railings or barrier risk.
Clicking selfie is a magnified way of seeing oneself in the mirror. Today teenagers are more concerned about how they look and how others perceive them. Generally, individual selfie-clickers are seeking identity and meaning in the world. Despite clear signs denoting the selfie-free zones in most of the risky points in metros, people still continue clicking away, and often going to the edges or standing on ledges to get the most thrilling shots.One must remember that live your own life – don’t live before the eyes of others.