Don’t take pride in your forefathers 


J.U.I Chief Maulana Fazal-ul-Rehman has compared his forefathers to those of Imran Khan. Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) had said that one should not take pride in forefathers since one  is responsible for his own conduct and of none  else.  Even Hazrat Ibrahim’s father was an idol maker and his son Ibrahim (P.B.U.H.) was an idol breaker. Maulana  Sahib wants us to believe in him. His father was a pious man and is remembered as such.  Maulana Fazal-ul-Rehman deviates from the saying of Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and yet claims piety for himself which is a far cry in the wilderness not audible to the people.

Dr. Muhammad Yaqoob Bhatti