India allows district magistrates to give citizenship to Pakistan Hindus


In a bid to attract Pakistani Hindus and defame the country about treatment with minorities, the Indian government has delegated the power of citizenship permission to the district magistrates.

Under the plan, the Pak citizens eligible for citizenship in three districts, including Jaipur, Jodhpur and Jaisalmer, will have their citizenship permission granted by the district magistrates.

Besides this, the application fee for citizenship has also been decreased to Rs 100 per application, to attract the poor.

Hindu Singh Sodha, chairman of the Seemant Lok Sangthan, a voluntary organisation fighting for the rights of these migrants, said that this decision has come as a huge relief to these people and would expedite the process of citizenship.

“We had been demanding for delegating the citizenship powers to the district magistrates and reduction in the application fee to just Rs. 100 per application for these poor people since long. We are delighted today that after series of meetings, our demand was honoured by the home ministry,” said Sodha.

Besides Rajasthan, the power of citizenship has been delegated to the district collectors in Chhatisgarh, Gujrat, MP, UP, Maharashtra and West & South Delhi also.

In Rajasthan, the power of citizenship has been delegated to the district magistrates in Jaipur, Jodhpur and Jaisalmer districts, with Jaipur being the capital of the state and other two districts being dominated by the migrants.

Read more: India reduces citizenship fee for Hindus, minorities from Pakistan