Justice Qazi Esa inquiry commission report


And what we can make of the results

It seems those that are expected to manage and run the state, both elected and career, have utterly failed to discharge their responsibilities as highlighted by Justice Qazi Faiz Esa judicial inquiry report on Quetta carnage. As custodians of people’s rights, politicians instead of waking up to their responsibility have chosen the easy path of engaging in political point-scoring by asking resignation of a Minister. In other words, they are seeking sacking of an incapable minister to be replaced by another incapable person and consider it enough to once again throw dust in the eyes of the people. I doubt if any of these politicians have read the full report. Let us try to educate them in a tweet style about who has failed:


Blame 1: Ministry of Interior failed to perform its duty by proscribing hate promoters, making NACTA functional, ensure border control, and ensure implementation of NAP.


Blame 2: National Security Advisor (NAS) as convener of NAP failed to perform its duty.


Blame 3: Ministry of Religious Affairs and inter-faith harmony has no control over madrassas or coordination with Wifaq ul Madaris to control its curriculum and student registration.

Blame 4: Wifaq ul Madaris have failed to improve their level of education by modernising their curriculum to produce good citizens that are also good Muslims in their act rather than just symbols and rituals.


Blame 5: Local police has no capability to investigate a crime scene, SOP to react to a major terrorist event and forensic capability to investigate.


Blame 6: Provincial Ministry of Health has failed to operate district and other public hospitals efficiently and productively. Nepotism and favoritism are the hallmarks of its hiring procedures.


Blame 7: Media has been more interested in ratings and advertising revenues by promoting hate mongers in their coverage. They have glorified rather than condemn the promoters of hate.


The findings of the inquiry report suggest that politicians and bureaucracy are busy enjoying their perks and privileges and apparently engage in these professions to enrich themselves at the cost of the nation.


In my view, politicians have the highest responsibility to fix this serious deterioration of the state because they are the agents of the masses and has the authority to act on their behalf. Instead of asking resignation of just one Minister they should do the following:


  1. Demand resignation of Minister of Interior, NSA, Minister of Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony, Provincial Interior Minister of Balochistan.


  1. Demand implementation of recommendations proposed in the judicial inquiry report. This should be time bound and properly reported every quarter to inform the nation on the progress.3. Registration and monitoring of over 24,500 madaris is an urgent task and cannot be delayed. It seems Wifaq ul madaris has no objection to this and blame their ministry for the delays.4. Media should review its editorial policy and understand its civic responsibility not to just to sensationalise issues but rather set policy agenda. They can’t be expected to become monitors of policy implementation but at least highlight loopholes and inefficiencies through expert views rather than organise dogfight between politicians.


Nations faith on both politicians and bureaucracy is at the lowest ebb right now. It has to be addressed on an urgent basis otherwise, we will be fast progressing towards anarchy and civil war. It is an emergency situation.