Pakistan Today

6 victims of PIA plane crash laid to rest in Garamchishma

Six members of a family who had lost their lives in Pakistan Airline (PIA) plane crash in Havelian on December 07, 2016 among 20 people of Chitral who were died in that fatal incidence, their dead bodies were carried to Chitral through C-130– a PAF loading plane.

In that incidence Mirza Gul his wife Gul Horan, Zahida Parveen, Sameena  Bibi, Hassan  Ali and Farhan Ali (6people) had died whose dead bodies were carried on Satuarday to Chitral and were shifted to their native towns where they were buried.

Only one member of their family Haseena 14 survived in this family who did not accompany them and was present at home.  She is in trauma and as lost her memory due to shock.

Child protection unit social welfare department Chitral team also visited Garamchishma to meet Haseena Gul.

They conducted meeting with PIA officials and local community about the custody and legal process on judgment of the honourable court.

She is in trauma and was rushed to Tehsil Headquarters Hospital in Garamchishma where she is under treatment.

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