Denmark celebrates Pakistan’s art, culture


Danish government in collaboration with the Danish Centre for Culture and Development (CKU) celebrated the diversity of culture in Pakistan while highlighting art and culture as a tool for socio-economic change.

According to a press release of embassy of Denmark issued on Friday, the event which marked the official closing of the cultural cooperation between Denmark and Pakistan was held at the Pakistan National Council of Arts (PNCA).

The event highlighted the Danish experience with the power of art, culture and creative industries through its development cooperation in Pakistan.

Speaking at the closing ceremony, Ambassador of Denmark, Ole Thonke underlined how art and culture enlightened, enriched and created a feeling of a common identity and understanding to create a more humane world by connecting people from across different countries and cultures.

He stressed on the importance of working together to build a free and fair world, where everyone enjoyed equal rights. Concluding his speech, Ambassador Thonke said Danish support to the cultural sector aimed at help to reclaim and revive public spaces and use its culture as a tool for promoting tolerance and peace.

The event included an exhibition of the work carried out by the local partners AHAN, Ajoka, The Little Art, BNU/LBF, Hashoo Foundation, Shirkatgah, Punjab University, Khawendo Kore, CWSA, CYAAD, Alhamra Arts Council, Olomopolo/KSS, UNESCO and Freemuse.

CKU-Programme Manager, Ole Ramsing shared his views saying that Pakistan had a long and proud cultural tradition, but the privilege to partake in cultural activities was unevenly distributed.



  1. right on Denmark now you can have Taliban and pak terrorists come get citizenship and flood into your country HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAAAA'''

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