Punjab govt introduces computerised land record centres


“The Punjab government is taking steps to eradicate patwari culture from the province by establishing computerised land record centres in all tehsils,” said Punjab Revenue Minister Ata Muhammad Manika.

The minister said that the Punjab government had achieved another milestone by initiating this groundbreaking public service.

He said patwari culture in the province will come to an end through the land record management information system and that wrong registration of land, corruption, fraud and forgery would be eliminated with the passage of time.

“The computerization of land records in Punjab is a revolutionary step which has made it very easy for citizens to receive computerised copies of their mutations, registrations, or fard (ownership document) without any hurdles. Previously, people had to visit the patwari’s office repeatedly for these documents. An effective monitoring system will be introduced to enhance the efficiency of land record centres and remove existing bottlenecks,” he said.

He said that land grabbing in Punjab would not be allowed and a strict policy would be adopted to retake state lands from illegal occupants.