The spirit of the Heart of Asia process


And lessons we need to take away


There is a need to understand the purpose behind the Heart of Asia – Istanbul process initiated among others by some of Pakistan’s major allies like Turkey, China, Iran and Saudi Arabia. All these countries visualise the importance of Afghanistan as a land bridge between South Asia, Central Asia, Europe and the Middle East. They believe – and rightly so – that once the region develops connectivity through roads and railways, they can enhance their productivity and trade manifold leaving behind the highly industrialised west in a few decades. Every member of the Heart of Asia Process thus stands to gain. What stands in the way is terrorism unleashed by various terrorist groups which have already destabilised the region while ISIS is preparing to wreak even greater havoc. The two issues are best highlighted in the 2014 Beijing Declaration issued after the Heart of Asia Conference presided over by Chinese Foreign Minister and the Afghan Deputy Foreign Minister.


The CPEC too is a move to enhance trade through connectivity in the region. Some of the Senators recently were horrified at the idea that China was investing in the CPEC project to explore new vistas of trade with different countries right from neighbouring India to Central Asian states and Europe. Not only China but the rest of our closest allies want enhanced trade and business relations with India. Saudi Arabia has not only invested in India but is seeking Indian investments. Iran is following suit. How long can Pakistan maintain the present policy of no trade with India or no permission to India- Afghanistan trade?


So far the Heart of Asia declarations talked in general about the terrorist networks. The unanimously passed Amritsar Declaration specifically mentions LeT and JeM also. This has raised hackles among some in Pakistan. The sooner Pakistan takes action against these networks and realises the need to open trade activities with India and Afghanistan the fewer the embarrassments for it. Pakistan cannot afford to turn itself into another hermit kingdom like North Korea.