Increase in salaries of elected representatives


The move by the federal government to increase the salaries of parliamentarians seems aimed at seeking their unconditional support in wake of protests (Dharna threat) by the opposition parties aka PTI. According to the worthy interior minister, this monumental increase is due to high inflation, which is higher than 2004. This lame excuse does not make any sense as because inflation impacts every citizen equally. This unprecedented rise in their pay has caused resentment among working class, low paid government employees, and pensioners, especially those who retired earlier than 1970. The meagre annual increases in the salaries of government employees are insignificant as compared to what the parliamentarians have received. This is even worse considering that parliamentarians don’t even do what they are expected to do properly. They rarely attend scheduled sessions in the two magnificent and lavish houses where meetings are often adjourned for lack of quorum. The cabinet seems to be oblivious to the difficulties being faced by the working class, government servants as well as those on whom fortune does not smile. The increase in salaries of the elected representatives, who already are loaded with money is rubbing it in the face of struggling middle and lower middle classes of the country. Therefore, should reconsider this step and for once think about elevating standard of living of the lower level government servants and laborers who toil from dawn to dusk to earn enough to make it through the day. It is better to please the many than woo around 600 parliamentarians.

Raja Shafaatullah
