Despite there being a spirited speculation in the nation’s news media on whom the prime minister will choose to be the next army chief, noted news pundit Dr Shahid Masood has put the matter to rest by predicting that the next army chief will be from the Pakistan Army.
“I have a well-placed source that says the next chief will also be from the army, like his predecessor,” said Dr Shahid Masood on his program on ARY.
“The next army chief will not be from the navy, air-force, police or irrigation department,” he said. “Yes, I know one can never be sure about these things and the other pundits always give caveats and disclaimers before their predictions.”
“But I am not like one of those novices. Dr Shahid Masood,” he said, referring to himself in the third person. “is always sure of what he says or doesn’t say it at all. But since he is always sure, he says stuff all the time.”
“I can also predict that the next army chief is going to be the best army chief in the history of the country and that he enjoys a special and close relation with me and regularly watches my program,” he added.