Corruption is a disease


Pakistan is an Islamic country but unfortunately Islamic democratic system are not established there, it’s gradually became a problem for the people of Pakistan. Due to this Pakistan is moving back from the other established countries of the world. It is internationally reported that Pakistan is at 134th position in the list of least corruption state.

Corruption is started by the superior authorities of nation and as they didn’t get caught or nor they get punished, effects of corruption get generated to the whole nation. Corruption is one of the major problem Pakistan is facing now a days. More than 75% of population are involve in corruption. As the society is highly involve in this disease whether it’s a department of education or health corrupt people rules everywhere no one is justifying with his work or his job. Being a student I confess that even we are not justifying with our examination system so we all are equally involve in this.

To get the rid of this disease we have to find out its causes first. Both upper class & poverty should get equally punished. Everyone must be sincere with their work. Leader must have to take some strict decision. Being an Islamic country our state should be based on democracy to the elimination of this disease.


