Pakistan Today

Dutch politicians considering partial niqab ban

Dutch politicians on Wednesday debated a limited ban on face-covering headwear worn by some Muslim women that would outlaw veils in places such as schools, hospitals and on public transportation.

The move would outlaw veils in places such as schools, hospitals, and on public transportation. Although only a small number of Muslim women wear the concealing full-face coverings, successive governments have sought to ban the niqab.

READ MORE: Bulgaria bans niqabs and burqas in crackdown on the face veil

Speaking about the initiative, Interior Minister Ronald Plasterk said the Dutch proposal did not go as far as the complete bans in France and Belgium. He called the legislation “religion-neutral”, but acknowledged the debate about people wearing veils on Dutch streets had played a major role in the proposal.

Plasterk said in a free country such as the Netherlands people should be allowed to appear in public with their faces covered, if they want to, however in government buildings and in health and education settings – such as hospitals and schools – people need to be able to look each other in the face.

READ MORE: Germany bans Muslim student from wearing niqab in school

It is not yet clear when the  lawmakers would vote on the issue. If the legislation passes the Parliament’s lower house as expected, it will need to be approved by the Senate before becoming law.

An opponent of the legislation, Fatma Koser Kaya of the centrist D66 party, said the law was pointless because many institutions in the Netherlands already had the power to prevent women from wearing veils and headscarves in certain situations.

“What are we banning today?” she asked. “This is symbolic lawmaking … because in practice it already happens.”

Courtesy: Al Jazeera

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