The junk food abyss


As the popularity of devouring junk food in Pakistan is getting higher, people of various social strata are jumping onto the same bandwagon. Fast food consumption is on the rise and there are very few who still maintain healthy eating habits.

How many times does one see advertisements of fruits, vegetables and whole grains? It is usually burgers, chips and other fried and greasy items that titivate the billboards and adorn our television screens in the form of advertisements. Naturally, people are sucked into the junk food abyss.

There is no doubt that all the unsaturated fats in nuggets, chicken tenders, “bun kebabs” and other such items play a major role in obesity, however, these foods also contribute to other ailments, like cancer and also in hormonal imbalance.

An efficacious way to curb this would simply be banning fast food advertisements.

Awareness amongst kids at a young age and encouraging them to bring healthy lunches is another substantial option.

Other than that, exercising must also be prioritised.

