PTI in isolationist mode


What is Khan thinking?


The decision taken by Imran Khan to not attend the parliamentary sitting being addressed by President Erdogan would launch the PTI into uncharted seas, possibly causing a shipwreck. As all opposition parties are attending the sitting, the PTI would isolate itself through its impolitic decision instead of putting the government on the defensive. There is an indication that the PTI would not only boycott the sitting but might also say goodbye to Parliament till the next elections. The justification given for the decision is the treatment meted out to PTI workers which is altogether irrational. The leaders and workers of various political parties in Pakistan have been treated by authoritarian regimes and military dictators much more harshly. Instead of boycotting the Parliament though, they invariably used the parliamentary platform to highlight the high-handedness of those in power to seek public sympathy.


Imran Khan has already called into question the integrity of institutions like the ECP, NAB and FIA. He has now raised questions about the legitimacy of Parliament. The PTI is represented on a committee which is trying to formulate proposals for electoral reforms. In case Imran Khan persists in boycotting Parliament, the committee will be forced to complete the job without inputs from a major opposition party. There is a likelihood of Imran Khan rejecting the committee’s proposals. Will the elections held subsequently be acceptable to the PTI? After rejecting other institutions Khan is relying on the Supreme Court to disqualify Nawaz Sharif. He has therefore shown confidence in the apex court. But this is no more than a tentative trust in the institution based on some of the court’s remarks during its last proceedings in Panama leaks case. Khan hopes that the apex court would further expose what he calls the ‘lies’ of the government. One is not sure if Imran Khan would reiterate similar confidence in judiciary if it was to deliver a judgment not to his liking which is by no means improbable. Unmindful of consequences Khan is leading his party to a blind alley.