White Lies


Dr Eshrat-ul-Ebad, who played a pretty mean guitar and a meaner still (rumoured) drill, left office after a full fourteen years, the longest stunt for a governor in any province.

Though he had seen many crises, he couldn’t withstand the full-frontal attack by PSP chief and former saathi Mustafa Kamal. He collapsed at the governor’s mansion after taking a shower the same day as Kamal’s press conference. His wife then asked him to leave politics altogether, to which he complied. Terror or not, one has to listen to the missus.

He suffered from low blood pressure. Perhaps that explained his cool during these tumultous 14 years.



Despite dedicating marathon transmissions to the US elections, almost everyone in the Pakistani commentariat got it wrong. Hillary didn’t win, Trump did.

Though this is one instance where the far more professional American news media got it wrong as well.

Not a reason to feel less bad about one’s incompetence, just that one has company at the losers’ table.