Shocking: Two-month-old baby shocks his mother by repeating ‘hello’ back to her


Most two-month-old babies aren’t able to do more than gurgle and coo, but a video has gone viral after baby Christian said ‘hello’.

The video was shared by Facebook user Samantha Jones on Tuesday after she was snap chatting a friend Amber and told her to say hello to her son Christian.

Mrs Jones, from Michigan, in the USA, repeated the word and to her surprise, Christian said it incredibly clearly for a two-month-old.

Baby boy Christian Jones came into the world just two months ago but has already made the world smile when he said hello

Children usually start to talk between the ages of six months and a year after they have spent months listening to the words of those around them.

Many start talking ‘baby language’ with sounds around two to four months before they are able to say words.

Mrs Jones’ video has had over a million views on Facebook, with more than 32,000 shares and over 5,000 comments from all over the world.

Christian defied statistics that most babies don’t say an actual word until around six months and the video of him has gone viral

Speaking to local news website Michigan Live, she said: ‘I gasped. I really couldn’t believe it.’

Many comments suggest that Christian is going to be a ‘genius’ whilst others are just expressing how cute she is and hoping their little ones will follow suit.