Pakistan pushing int’l community to pressurise India over Kashmir conundrum


Pakistan is pushing the international community to pressurise India to let the Kashmiri people exercise their UN-pledged right of self-determination through a plebiscite, said Ambassador Maleeha Lodhi on Saturday.

She added that this would pave the way for peace and stability in the region. The envoy was speaking at a gathering at the Pakistan House to mark the anniversary of India’s invasion and occupation of Kashmir on 27 October 1947.

In her address the ambassador said on the directions of the Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, we have raised and continue to raise the Kashmir dispute at all forums of the UN.

She denounced the brutal tactics employed by the Indian forces in suppressing the mass uprising. She termed the prolonged curfew in occupied Kashmir as ‘107 days of shame and infamy’.

Read more: Maleeha Lodhi slams Indian oppression in Kashmir, calls curfew ‘107 days of shame, infamy’