Pakistan Today

The graveyards of the world

The world is jumping out of the frying pan into the fire


All this brings into question the efficacy of political systems that go by the name of ‘democracy’ that leads to rule by the elite, of the elite and for the rapacious elite. If they don’t realise this in time they will soon jump off a cliff like lemmings, from the frying pan into the fire

I’ve stated this self-evident truth before and I’ll say it again: the graveyards of the world are full of deceased states, empires and superpowers. Death is caused mostly by suicide born of national stupidity that is born of hubris and tired and outdated political systems that throw up bad leaderships and poor governance. The latest to join the list is the United Kingdom; the United States is following fast on its heels. Pakistan, like most other countries today, also shares this suicidal propensity. It has fragmented once already and that may not be the end of it. It is well on the way to destroying itself a second time because of a totally misunderstood concept of democracy that is confused with electoral exercises.

All this brings into question the efficacy of political systems that go by the name of ‘democracy’ that leads to rule by the elite, of the elite and for the rapacious elite. If they don’t realise this in time they will soon jump off a cliff like lemmings, from the frying pan into the fire. The latest to beckon the grim reaper is the United Kingdom.

I have been writing for years that historical forces that cause global convulsions are in top gear. They cause change in the world order, the global status quo. Boundaries change, new states are formed and some old states disappear. The centre of political, economic and social gravity shifts.

I likened it to a leviathan shedding its old skin to acquire a new one. Its convulsions destroy and change whatever comes in its path. Not only have boundaries in states like Iraq and Syria physically altered but a new state called ‘Islamic State’ has been formed whether you like it or not. Now, change on an epic scale is upon Britain, the granddaddy who fashioned the old world order. They behaved like they were playing god, changing the world map like a game, imposing its own political system on it. Britain colonised two-thirds of the world to become the largest empire ever. Now, it is not only in the process of leaving the European Union but could also lose Scotland, Northern Ireland and, in time, Wales too. It is fast becoming ‘Little England’ again, and all before our eyes. Lucky generation that we are, we have seen the breakup of empires and the creation of many new, mostly artificial states to help western empires now called superpowers in their nefarious designs to fashion a world in their image; we have seen the breakup of a superpower called the Soviet Union into many states and the liberation and breakup of many East European countries. Global Balkanisation is the order of the day.

When I landed in London a few of weeks ago I found a nation traumatised. People wanted Brexit and won. The ‘Leavers’ were confused, their leadership hiding for cover, behaving like cowards in the face of what they had wrought. Their hatred for migrants and refugees whom they confuse caused a woeful increase in hate crime. The ‘Remainers’ who wanted to remain in the EU were so angry that they too that had fallen into confusion so utter that they were on the verge of violence against the ‘Leavers’. I felt that I had not come to Britain but to a new country called ‘Brexit’. Seriously. Now under the law there is no way to reverse the decision.

It also shows how alienated leaders are from the thinking of their ordinary people. Prime Minister David Cameron was convinced that the British people would vote to remain in the EU, which is why he unnecessarily called the referendum. So surprised and shocked was he by the decision to Brexit that he resigned within hours. It is this same alienation that has led Trump to winning the Republican nomination; the US ruling elite was convinced that he would self-destruct well before the race for the nomination was over. He has been nominated and now Americans are on tenterhooks about what to make of a choice between two bad contenders. If Trump wins all bets are off; if Hillary wins things that have given rise to this hatred against the Washington establishment will remain much the same and all bets are off too. The dustbin of history will overflow.

The other European leaders are livid, for Britain’s departure could likely unravel the EU and trash that fatherless Mickey Mouse currency the Euro. End of the German project to impose hegemony over Europe; end of the dream to balance America’s overreach by creating a countervailing superpower. End of free travel in the EU. End of Europeans working freely anywhere in the EU. And therein lies the rub.

It was a vote to get rid of the thousands of Europeans working in Britain ostensibly taking jobs away from lazy British citizens, with higher productivity and lower costs. The Brits felt that they had “taken back control” and could now make their own laws. They had regained their lost sovereignty. The Economist said that the UK is in “anarchy”. Another paper said that Britain had jumped out of the frying pan into the fire.

However, it’s too early to tell that when British Prime Minister Teresa May presses the Brexit button under Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty when negotiations up to two years will begin, where Britain and Europe will end up. It’s more likely to be a messy Brexit rather than a ‘soft’ or ‘hard’ Brexit. So let me hold my horses for a while.

This happens in 100 meters when every runner is taut with tension. Here every player-politician, especially the title (office) holder is taut to breaking point. So he decided to preempt his opponents by making a dash for the finish line before the gun could fire

My attention is now diverted to my own Pakistan where the games have started before the starting gun has fired, which it was supposed to begin on 3 November. This happens in 100 meters when every runner is taut with tension. Here every player-politician, especially the title (office) holder is taut to breaking point. So he decided to preempt his opponents by making a dash for the finish line before the gun could fire. The other runners decided to retaliate and we have a mess in Rawalpindi and Islamabad before the race was supposed to start. This particular finish line is dangerous because the losers could be finished if they don’t cross it first. Methinks the end of the Sharif era is nigh and the beginning of the Imran era beginning. It’s too early to tell, but whatever the outcome, let’s hope and pray that it is good for Pakistan.

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