Artist community endorses PEMRA decision to ban Indian content


The decision taken by Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) to ban Direct to Home (DTH) service and Indian content has fully endorsed by Artist community.

Famous Actor and Former Director General (DG) of Pakistan National Council of Arts (PNCA) Tauqeer Nasir said while talking to APP “This decision should be taken earlier, but it is never late to make things right.”

He said “Be Pakistani, see Pakistani” this is not only the duty of media it is a duty of every individual to endorse the decision taken by PEMRA.”

“We should only promote, project and transfer our values, norms and culture to our next generation rather than promoting culture and religion of other countries,” he said.

In the 80s and 90s, Pakistan Television (PTV) has performed its very important role in constructing personalities, Children of today are intelligent but with a hollow personality because they don’t have strong values.

Director Ashir Azeem said,” The ban could be a positive step to help domestic local cinema. I think we will survive the ban. In fact, it might help speed up our productions and create more output.”

“I agree with the idea of restricting Indian films because the exhibitors currently favour them over local films. Because of that, producers are afraid to invest; your film will likely be sidelined if an Indian film is releasing around about the same time,” he said.

According to the decision, strict action would be taken against Indian DTH service and Indian content on satellite TV Channels and cable networks in Pakistan.The last date of the deadline was 15th of October.

Under section 33-A of the PEMRA ordinance, the country electronic media watchdog has called on the Federal as well as provincial government , FIA, FBR, SBR and other stakeholders in the country to stop Indian DTH service.

Stakeholders also include law-enforcement agencies as well as the PTA.

PEMRA said that with the help of all sorts of state agencies, it is finally going to get rid of Indian DTS services in the country.