5-year-old draws shattering pictures showing priest abusing her


The parents of a five-year-old girl discovered heartbreaking sketches drawn by her showing how she was sexually abused by priest in Brazil. Father Joao da Silva, 54, is said to have admitted the attack after being confronted by the child’s father in the city of Montes Claros, Brazil.

The girl was left so scarred that her mother and father took her to a child psychologist, who recommended they check her bedroom for any possible leads.

They found six harrowing drawings in her books, illustrating the sexual abuse she reportedly suffered at the hands of da Silva.

One of them purports to show the priest leering over her while another shows a highly distressing scene where da Silva is depicted forcing himself on to the girl, according to a news report.

According to local media agency, CEN, the priest confessed after the father threatened him over a phone call.

Police confirmed they are interviewing da Silva in custody over the abuse allegations.


  1. Holy Shhittee all priests are guilty of this. In Pakistan people don't leave young boys with Qari sahib alone. Lol

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