India nervous after Pakistan launched diplomatic offensive to expose New Delhi: FO


The Foreign Office on Friday praised Pakistani media for playing an important role in highlighting India’s anti-Pakistan propaganda.

During the weekly news briefing, Foreign Office spokesman Nafees Zakaria responded to Indian intelligence agency Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) bringing paid demonstrators to an anti-Pakistan protest in Geneva.

“Pakistani media exposed the fabricated propaganda of Indian media,” Zakaria said.

He added the Pakistani media had also been highlighting the issue of Indian atrocities in occupied Kashmir.

The FO spokesman said Prime Minister’s envoys Mushahid Hussain and Dr Shahzia had met with the United Nations General Assembly president and a dossier had been submitted of human rights violations in occupied Kashmir.

According to Zakaria, the PM’s envoys had highlighted the Kashmir issue on the global stage. The spokesman called on the international community to take notice of the human rights violations.

The spokesman further said Pakistan’s stance on the Kashmir issue was supported by Turkey, while a dossier had also been given the British government by Pakistan’s High Commissioner.


  1. What a joke? India afraid of Pakistani diplomatic offensive…What offensive is he talking about?

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