Pakistani’s girls rant on breast cancer trolls is going viral


A society where thousands of women lose their battle with breast cancer every year yet the same society has refused to take it up as a serious matter and has considered it a taboo.

It’s high time we address this important issue and an Islamabad-based girl tells how the job is done.

Fama Hasan took to Facebook to shut down trollers who she overheard discussing breast cancer in a disgraceful manner.

“Yesterday I got out of class and was walking to my car towards the gate when I passed a bunch of guys who seemed like they must be in the 7th or 8th semester,” she wrote in a Facebook post.

She outlined the whole conversation. “This was the conversation I overheard:

Guy 1: Oye wo kia kehrae thay? (Listen, what were they saying?)

Guy 2: Pata ni yara ‘Breast’ cancer ka kuch kerne aye thay. Ussi ka btaye jarae thay. *immature dirty giggles* (I don’t know, they were just talking about breast cancer)

Guy 3: *smirks* Ayeinnn!

All of the guys: *Erupt in laughter*,” she wrote in her post.

“I cringed all the way from university to home and I cringe as I type this. A society where basic human organs are sexualized to the point that even cancer related to it is some locker room banter joke for these boys just like we talk of the one trump said,” she added.

Fama further went on to set some facts straight for the ignorant bunch of boys. “Little do they realise that it kills more than 40,000 women every year in Pakistan alone and these are just only the cases that even luckily get reported. Little do they know that Pakistan has the highest incidence of breast cancer in Asia.”

“Little do they know that it is exactly this social setup because of which women are reluctant in medical checkups and sharing their issues, not even with their family members and ultimately lose their lives as the diagnosis only occurs at very late stages. God forbid some woman in their family suffers from this ever,” she wrote.

Fama believes that this reason is enough to support breast cancer awareness campaigns. “I have people constantly telling me that if you support a cause then do something, beth ker baatein kerne se kuch nai hoga (You can’t just sit and talk). To all of you, ‘do something’ se pehle beth ker awareness phelana aur samjhana zaruri hai (It’s important to talk about this issue and create awareness before acting). Cause when organisations do come to our institutions to take a step and ‘do something’, these are the illiterate idiots they get to deal with.

“So rant as much as you can. Talk, scream and yell as long as you know you are heard somewhere by someone. Do whatever you can. Everything counts,” wrote Fama.

She concluded her post with a lesson to be learnt by the trollers. “To those four guys, I crossed: Educate yourselves and those around you. Female bodies are not just objects. We are real humans with real diseases. I wish your porn addiction could have taught you otherwise,” she concluded.




  1. Not all Pakistani guys are like that. Seriously, WTF? Most of us know it’s a serious matter. Women aren’t the only ones who suffer from dangerous types of cancers – just ranting about your gender group’s needs while crossing out the other gender would be silly, over and over again won’t help those which are illiterates, ignorant and arrogant at the same time! Let’s talk about prostate cancer and see a bunch of Pakistani girls smear some rotten words, giggle and laugh – the sufferers know the darn agony of it all. Screw this one-sided article. If you wanna rant, rant about the society and how vulgarity, obscenity and arrogance are a widespread issue. How about you lousy journalists in training tackle that first?!!

  2. I agree. Not all men behave this way. We do come across misguided and misinformed youngsters posing in a demeaning manner in any country. Forgive them. They will soon grow out of this mindset.

  3. So-called feminist seeking out public attention by writing an article and judging and blaming society and men based on what a bunch of 7 grade kids were talking about. Sure they were ignorant, but you seem more ignorant.

  4. 7th semester. Just got that. Still, thats a bunch of young people. And you find sicker people than these in the US. So hence, this has nothing to do with Pak society.

  5. Stupid article. Totally one-sided, judgement based on kids which are at immature age, 7th semester kids aren’t smart – they’re literally very stupid and they do very goofy stuff. Just making a judgment based off some four teens you saw and then pinning it against the whole male populace is one of the most bigoted generalization you could make. You could start by making an awareness about the disease and not about goofy 7th semester immature kids (their brains are still developing, they have a lot to learn – about etiquette, what are manners etc).

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