Pakistan Today

RAW hires ‘fake crowd’ to stage anti-Pakistan protest

The Indian intelligence agency Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) was behind the recent protests held against Pakistan in Geneva, which self-exiled Baloch leader Brahamdagh Bugti led, a private TV channel said on Tuesday.

The Indian media used the Bugti-led protest to hoodwink the people of India in an effort to divert attention from the atrocities being carried out by the Indian army in occupied Kashmir.

The channel produced evidence that Indian intelligence brought “paid demonstrators” from a refugee camp to the protests led by Bugti and Mehran Murri.

“The protesters were nationals of countries from Far East Asia and Africa and didn’t even look close to people of Balochistan in appearance.”

He said usually the refugees are paid 100-150 francs to take part in protests called Silent Solidarity Protests.

The demonstrators chose to remain silent in these protests as they could not speak foreign languages.

As for the Burqa-clad participants of the so-called Baloch protest in Switzerland, the news channel said they were members of an obscure Women Rights Organisation, who had nothing to do with reality.

Brahamdagh has gone so far against Pakistan as to seek political asylum in India, while the Indian intelligence and media have used him for their purpose of diverting attention from human rights violations in Kashmir.

Mehran Murri, another Baloch separatist leader whose brother Changaiz Murri is a cabinet member in Balochistan, has also led fake protests but is unwilling to seek asylum in India.

Both the Baloch separatist leaders’ ties with Indian intelligence have elicited strong dislike for them back in Balochistan.

People of Balochistan have denounced both the leaders for their ties with Indian intelligence.

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