US airline moves female passenger for two Pakistani men refusing to sit next to a woman


A United Airlines passenger was moved to make way for two ‘Pakistani monks’ who did not want to sit next to a woman.

Mary Campos was on a Houston bound flight leaving from California when a member of the staff reportedly approached her and requested to change her seat. He explained that owing to the Pakistani passengers’ “cultural beliefs” they could not sit next to or talk to a woman.

The men were described as “Pakistani monks” by Campos and were reportedly wearing long orange shirts. No other information was available on the men’s ethnicity or religion. “They could also not be served by female staff.”

Campos lamented the “discrimination” against her but complied nonetheless. In a letter to United Airlines, she wrote: “What if I were handicapped or transgender? What if your entire crew were female? Any belief that prevents individuals from interacting with females should not travel on commercial aircraft.”

The airline responded to say they would look into the matter. “We regret that Campos was unhappy with the handling of the seat assignments on her flight,” read a response to Campos. “United holds its employees to the highest standards of professionalism and has zero tolerance for discrimination.”

Campos said she did not want to sue the airline, but insisted that they apologise to every woman on the plane, including staff. “I thought I lived in a culture where females were equal to men,” she said. She also wanted the company to change their policy to protect women’s rights.

Courtesy: The Independent


  1. I find it ridiculous that a woman is whining about her seat being given to a couple of monks and whining about it. The fact that it mentions they are Pakistani rather than Buddhist monks just shows how the media is attempting to pull the racist strings. "They are Pakistani! Therefore, they must be Islamic terrorists! Let's hate them!" /Facepalm Buddhist monks are forbidden from touching women. Anyone who has ever been on an airplane knowns that you will accidentally touch your seatmate at some point – it's inevitable. So, the monks are trying to avoid any compromises to their religion (Freedom of Religion seems to be dying quicker than the Right to Bear Arms), they simple asked that they be seated away from women. If I were this woman, I'd be ashamed at the blatant racism ideology she is using as well as her complete intolerance to Buddhism.

    • Wow. They have a choice about what to believe, but she doesn't have a choice to be female. And where does she say anything about Islam? These men should have bought a row of seats if they are offended by women.

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