Pakistan Today

Lunacy of a mass murderer

Lunatics don’t realise that if nuclear weapons are used in war, everyone goes back to the Stone Age


One good thing of being abroad is that one gets away from the madding crowd. It not only helps one to contemplate but also to clear the clutter of irrelevance from one’s mind. Things that we think are of great moment are but only the debris of the global dance of historical forces

“Where were you?” I asked Maverick.

“I was at the LOC in Kashmir and in Srinagar. And where were you?”

“I was in London undergoing medical treatment. I was very touched by the many people wrote saying they were worried because of the absence of my articles and if anything was wrong with me. The doctors tested me all over, even my brain and found nothing wrong except that I needed a pacemaker installed for the rhythm of my heart. So I got one installed and am feeling the better for it. Thank you everyone for asking. Guys like me tend to get problems of arrhythmia because we are great romantics at heart and eventually pay the price for it.

“If you are wondering why I didn’t get treatment in Pakistan,” I continued “and went abroad like you know who and that too at State expense, the answer is that having lived in London for eleven years in the Eighties, I am medically insured there and didn’t have to pay a sue, even for medicines. In Pakistan I would have had to pay an arm and a leg and I am neither as rich as you know who or can get the State to pay for me.”

“So how was London?” asked Maverick.

“One good thing of being abroad is that one gets away from the madding crowd. It not only helps one to contemplate but also to clear the clutter of irrelevance from one’s mind. Things that we think are of great moment are but only the debris of the global dance of historical forces. They create such a din that they submerge real issues. For example, how does it matter if Nawaz Sharif completes his term or not? If Nawaz Sharif goes another Nawaz Sharif will come in his stead out of our decrepit alien political system. So Pakistan is going one way and one way only and will continue going that way unless something dramatic happens at home or in the world. What did you see in Kashmir, Maverick?”

“I saw such horrific things that they describe description. I thought that reports of Indian atrocities there were typical Pakistani exaggeration. I found that they are actually understated. What the Indians are doing there defies description – wanton murders, raping, maiming with people being blinded by pellet guns, their eyes being shot, demolition of homes, indiscriminate violence against unarmed human beings exercising their right to freedom and self-determination, a right that is allowed by the UN Charter. I’ve never seen such horrific things. Its veritable genocide going on while the world remains silent.”

“Put in a nutshell, Maverick,” I replied, “but our prime minister made a stirring and hard-hitting speech in the UN General Assembly. That’s something. ‘Jaw breaking’, many people said.”

“Jaw breaking my foot. Only stooges of the lowest kind could have said that; the speech couldn’t break a walnut, leave alone jaws. It was notable not for what he said but what was left unsaid, like the Indian spy we caught and their devious activities in Balochistan.”

“I couldn’t argue with you there. Add to that Nawaz Sharif’s flat and emotionless delivery and we had a damp squib.”

“Yes, damp squib made worse to a half-empty hall. Few were interested. Now if it had been Bhutto or Musharraf we would have had a great, emotional and jaw breaking speech. This guy reads like he doesn’t know what he is reading. His heart wasn’t in it, seems. No mention of Mad Modi and his sabre rattling. He seemed to be trapped in a conflict of interest. He likes Modi. They are friends. Remember he telephoned Modi before his real or imaginary heart operation in London. Thank God for General Raheel Sharif.”

“Look Maverick, the situation has got worse since. The Indians have said that they will stop water flowing to Pakistan, the Indus Basin Water Treaty be damned. That’s gross violation of an international treaty underwritten by the UN, but they know how useless the UN is. It does what the US tells it to and our ‘most allied of allies’ have gone into the Indian corner. Thank God, because that’s more dangerous for the Indians than all our nuclear bombs put together: he who the US befriends gets trashed in the end. We have China in our corner: the sources of most of the rivers to the subcontinent are in China so they could divert water from India. Russia also seems to be tilting towards us. Even the OIC for once has issued a statement in our favour.”

The Uri attack was either a false flag to divert attention or was done by the freedom fighters. The younger generation has taken over the struggle and they will not be diverted come what may. Kashmir will definitely win the freedom fight, sooner rather than later

“You are forgetting Humayun that the Indians are getting all rowdy and bombastic threatening war that could become nuclear to divert attention from its crimes against humanity. They have succeeded to an extent but the world’s leaders don’t seem moved so far, though behind the scenes there must be hectic activity going on to cool tempers down. A nuclear war between India and Pakistan could lead to a third World War and only a lunatic would want that. We have only one lunatic amongst world leaders and that is India’s mass murderer Modi who remains in the list of the world’s top terrorists and was denied a visa by many countries including the USA. As long as he is in office that danger will not pass.

“The Uri attack was either a false flag to divert attention or was done by the freedom fighters. The younger generation has taken over the struggle and they will not be diverted come what may. Kashmir will definitely win the freedom fight, sooner rather than later. That will start a domino effect, which is why the lunatic has gone completely hysterical.

“So best of luck and I do hope that we meet again. You never know,”

“Maverick, go to Delhi and join the monkeys there. They worship monkeys, you know.”

“Do you think I’m also a lunatic? You guys are going to obliterate Delhi and I don’t want to be vaporised with it. I’m heading for the hills which luckily are only 500 yards away.”

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