Every Pakistani ready to defend homeland : PM Nawaz


Prime Minister Nawaz sharif has stated during a Federal Cabinet meeting held on Friday that Pakistan will take all necessary steps to protect its people and territorial integrity in case of any aggression or violation of the Line of Control.

“We will defend our homeland against any aggression. The entire nation is standing shoulder to shoulder with our armed forces,” the premier said.

“Kashmir is the unfinished agenda of Partition, which cannot be wished away. The Indian atrocities cannot suppress the passions of the Kashmiri people,” Nawaz said.

The Federal Cabinet met under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and discussed the deteriorating situation in India-held Kashmir (IHK) and the ceasefire violations by India along the LoC.

Indian forces on Thursday morning opened fire across the LoC, leading to the death of two Pakistani soldiers. While India has claimed that what transpired yesterday was a “surgical strike,” the cabinet today rejected the Indian claim of carrying out “surgical strikes.” It was concluded that India has acted in complete violation of her commitments under bilateral arrangements as well as international law.

The prime minister said in order to achieve the government’s goal of eliminating poverty and unemployment, peace was essential, but stated that in the face of hostility the country would have to be protected.

He also said Indian aggression poses a serious threat to regional peace and security, adding that the leadership and people of Pakistan are united in their resolve to counter any aggressive Indian designs.

The Cabinet praised the brave and valiant soldiers of the armed forces of Pakistan for their “befitting response” to the Indian aggression on Thursday.

The Cabinet deplored the allegations levelled against Pakistan by India regarding the Uri attack and stated that Indian statements and actions are a strategy to redirect attention away from Indian atrocities in IHK

During the meeting, the Cabinet called upon the international community to take notice of the massive human rights violations being perpetrated by the Indian occupation forces in IHK, expressing concern over the killings of over 110 people there.


  1. Everybody knows very well that Violation of LOC is a regular Affair between the two countries and why so much of fuss this time? Point to Ponder!

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